September 2022

Dear Reader,

The months keep sneaking up on me! Can you believe it's already time for school!?! Fall migration is already in full swing and much is happening.


Join us this Friday, Sept 9th at 9am while we meander through Cutler City Open Space. If we have time, we'll walk over to the bay and try to pick out some migrating shorebirds! Come with us and earn your Lincoln City Explorience badge!

On Saturday, Sept 10th we will travel east to Baskett Slough, meeting at 9am. Bring a picnic lunch and those who want to can drive over to Mill Creek park for a bring- your-own picnic and a little more birding!


As part of our Rocky Habitat Campaign, we're working with the Oregon Kelp Alliance to cull purple sea urchins from some of our fragile kelp forests. Last month, we were excited to team up with them and other partners at Cape Kiwanda. Read about it here!


We had a booth at the Newport and Lincoln City farmers and crafters markets in the past few weeks - we enjoyed meeting lots of new people and sharing our programs, especially our Coastal Habitat work (rocky habitats, marine reserves, and estuary management). We have one more planned in Manzanita this month. We had such a good time that we plan to do this more next year in our two counties!


We have beautiful new 3" bird stickers, featuring illustrations by our own Nora Sherwood, available in sets of 4 for $10 (or purchase individually for $3 each). They make a great addition to your water bottle or notebooks and are a great way to help us raise money for our programs while showing your ASLC pride! Purchase online or mail a check. More info...


Next month we're hosting the Fall Conservation meeting of the Oregon Audubon Council. The council, consisting of two representatives from each of the 13 Oregon chapters, meets each year to set our joint conservation priorities. Thanks to Oregon Coast Community College, St James / Santiago Espiscopal Church, and Connie Hansen Gardens for hosting the various events.

SAVE THE DATE: ASLC Birthday Party Potluck

Saturday, November 19th
We're launching a new website and want to celebrate while we show you the new features. We hope to make this an annual birthday event. Mark your calendars and plan to join us at the Lincoln City Cultural Center.

That's it for this month - let's keep working together for birds and nature!


dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City