August 2022

Dear Reader,

Well, somehow I missed July - and now August is here! I hope you enjoyed the summer issue of The Kingfisher and want to thank all of you who were able to attend our annual potluck! We had a great time and enjoyed good food and some fond reminiscing with Caren.


We were sad to lose our good friend Bill Henderson last month. Read our brief tribute to Bill here.


Join us on Saturday, August 13th at 9am for one of our most popular bird walks! We'll meet at the Alder Island Loop Trail parking lot just south of Lincoln City, an easy 1 mile trail. Come with us and earn your Lincoln City
Explorience badge!


I hope you've had a chance to visit our new Facebook group and join the fun sharing the latest photos and sightings of birds, whales, deer, elk, and other wildlife! Every month we share a report from each county thanks to members Kathy & Michael Krall (Tillamook county) and Liz Laver-Holencik (Lincoln County). If you use Facebook, you'll want to try it!


We are happy to announce our new board members and officers. Joining us as directors are Evan Hayduk (MidCoast Watersheds Council), Jim Carlson (Coast Range Association), and Rick Marks of Lincoln City. Janet Bleck is our new Secretary and Ruth Shelly is our new Vice-president. I was reelected and will continue to serve as President/Treasurer. Also reelected were Steve Griffiths, who will continue to serve as Conservation chair, and Nora Sherwood, who will take over as Education coordinator. Meet our board members...


We have three core programs and would love to have your participation on one of them!

Education: Nora Sherwood is taking over for Caren Willoughby as our education coordinator. Caren will continue to teach, and will also continue to serve as our Bird Walk coordinator. Our education program features classroom and field programs for adults and children.

Conservation: Steve Griffiths will continue as our conservation chair. Our conservation action team focuses on climate change and its effects on coastal habitats, forests, water, and wildlife.

Community Science: Our coordinator position is currently vacant. The community science team manages our Christmas Bird Counts and partners with Portland Audubon and local groups such as Friends of Otter Rock on monitoring and surveying along our coastline. If you have an interest in serving as our Community Science coordinator, let me know.

In addition to our core programs, we have projects such as our 2023 Lincoln City Osprey Campaign to celebrate the successful nesting of more than a dozen pair of Osprey in our home city, and events like our annual World Migratory Bird Day festival which we will be holding next spring after a brief hiatus.

If any of the above pique your interest, please contact me and I'll put you in touch with the coordinator!

That's it for this month - let's keep working together for birds and nature!


dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City