October 2022

Dear Reader,

Fall migration is happening - have you heard the Cackling Geese flying over? Or the Swainson's Thrush high-pitched music at night?


Join us tomorrow, Friday, Oct 7th at 9am for one of our most popular walks through The Villages Open Space to the beach! Come with us and earn your Lincoln City Explorience passport!

This Saturday, Oct 8th is our popular driving/walking tour of Lincoln rocky habitats from Boiler Bay to Devil's Punch Bowl.

“Up to a billion birds die in window strikes every year because of daytime reflections or nighttime lights,” writes Margaret Renkl in a recent guest essay in The New York Times.

Here on the coast we’re right smack in the middle of the fall migration. What can you do to help ensure a safe passage for the thousands of birds flying by at night? Take one simple action: Turn off the lights! And keep them off for the next two weeks, starting tonight!

According to Renkl, turning off lights reduces bird mortality significantly. She offers these tips for homeowners: 1) turn off decorative lights; and 2) switch to a lower wattage bulb for necessary lights (or install lights triggered by motion detectors).

Lights-out initiatives are spreading across the country. Many cities, large and small, are working to create safe passage for migrating birds. It’s time for communities along the Oregon coast to do the same -- and remember to Turn off the lights!


Last week, we presented our two site proposals for rocky habitat designations to the Ocean Advisory Policy Council (OPAC). We are proposing Marine Conservation Area designations for the nearshore rocky habitats at Cape Foulweather and Cape Lookout as part of Oregon’s Rocky Habitat Management Strategy. We shared with OPAC members the wild beauty and rich biodiversity of seabirds and marine life of these two special places. We also talked about how community-based education and stewardship programs, rather than regulatory restrictions, will guide management to ensure current and future generations can enjoy these sites. OPAC will vote on these two proposed MCAs along with four other proposals later this year. For more information about ASLC’s rocky habitat proposals, visit our page the Oregon Coast Rocks.

This year’s State of the Coast Conference will be held on November 5 in Newport at the Hatfield Marine Science Center’s new Gladys Valley Marine Science Studies building. Scientists, artists, fisher folks, and community members will gather to share fun learning opportunities about Oregon’s marine environment and current related conservation issues.

Keynote speaker Dr. Charlotte Coté is an Associate Professor in American Indian Studies at the University of Washington. She has dedicated her personal and academic life to creating awareness around Indigenous health and wellness issues and in working with Indigenous peoples and communities in revitalizing their traditional foodways. Her most recent book, A Drum in one Hand, A Sockeye in the Other. Stories of Indigenous Food Sovereignty from the Northwest Coast, explores how traditional foods play a major role in physical, emotional, spiritual, and dietary wellness.

Other programs include a guided walk of Yaquina Bay estuary, the role of beavers in climate change, Sitka Center Art and Ecology workshop, an update on the first ten years of the marine reserves, and many more exciting programs. Registration is required. Hope to see you there!


Don't forget to show your Audubon pride with our beautiful new 3" bird stickers, featuring illustrations by our own Nora Sherwood, available in sets of 4 for $10! Purchase online or mail a check. More info...


Next week we're hosting the Fall Conservation meeting of the Oregon Audubon Council. The council, consisting of two representatives from each of the 13 Oregon chapters, meets each year to set our joint conservation priorities.

SAVE THE DATE: ASLC Birthday Party Potluck

Saturday, November 19th
We're launching a new website and want to celebrate while we show you the new features, and introduce you to Nissa Parker, who designed our new website and is joining us as our new Digital Media Coordinator.

We hope to make this an annual birthday event. Mark your calendars and plan to join us at the Lincoln City Cultural Center the evening of November 19th.


It's time again for our year-end membership drive. Give a gift of a Wood Duck $50 or more ASLC membership and your gift recipient will get a beautiful 2022 calendar designed and illustrated by our own Nora Sherwood, local scientific wildlife illustrator!

Prefer to have your own? Upgrade or renew your own membership to Wood Duck or higher! More info...

That's it for this month - let's keep working together for birds and nature!


dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City