November 2022

Dear Nissa,

We are heading out for a family vacation this week so I'm emailing this a little early! We'll be joining my son and his family to visit my daughter in Orlando, then the whole gang will head to Nassau for a few days. After that, my hubby and I will spend a week in the Keys - can't wait for some family time! 


This is our traditional visit to the mouth of the Salmon River! Join us Saturday, Nov 12th at 9am at Knight Park. This walk is also part of the Lincoln City Exploriences program - come with us and earn your EXPLORIENCE passport! More info...


There's a cool new migration tracking tool that everyone can access - and you can zero in on your own county to see how many birds are flying overhead as they migrate, mostly at night. Last night, an estimated 66,500 birds flew over Tillamook County! 

Lincoln County tracking...

Tillamook County tracking...


We had a fantastic meeting last weekend hosting the Oregon Audubon Council. The council, consisting of two representatives from each of the 13 Oregon chapters, meets each year to set our joint conservation priorities. We met at Oregon Coast Community College all day, then went to St James Santiago church for a catered dinner followed by a fun presentation by Cameron Cox, owner of Avocet Birding Courses.

SAVE THE DATE: ASLC Birthday Party Potluck

Saturday, November 19th

Our ASLC chapter was founded in November 2005, and it's time to celebrate our birthday! Join us as we launch our new website and take a tour of its features. Noted author Sarah Swanson will talk about her new book, Best Little Book of Birds: The Oregon Coast, and sign copies! Finally, we'll have a fundraising raffle--you'll be able to purchase tickets to win original artwork, a telescope with tripod, and other fantastic prizes.

We hope to make this an annual birthday event. Mark your calendars and plan to join us at the Lincoln City Cultural Center the evening of November 19th.


It's time again for our year-end membership drive. Give a gift of a Wood Duck $50 or more ASLC membership and your gift recipient will get your choice of either

  • a beautiful 2022 calendar, or

  • a set of 4 ASLC bird stickers. 

Both are designed and illustrated by our own Nora Sherwood, local scientific wildlife illustrator! Prefer to have your own? Upgrade or renew your own membership to Wood Duck or higher! More info...

That's it for this month - let's keep working together for birds and nature!


dawn villaescusa, President

Audubon Society of Lincoln City