June 2022

Dear Reader,

It's June already! Our newsletter, The Kingfisher, is at the printer and should be in your mailbox soon! Meanwhile, we are gearing up for our annual meeting and potluck on the 23rd! Busy and productive, as always, but we could sure use your help! We need a couple of folks who are organized and like things like taking notes to serve on our Board as secretary or treasurer. No need to be a bird-nerd, just a friendly and willing person! Our monthly meetings are hybrid, so you don't have to live in or commute to Lincoln City. Please consider it and let me know.

Friends of Otter Rock is holding a training session for their interpretive volunteer program tomorrow, Saturday, June 4th. The link in the bottom-right corner of the flyer takes you to a Google Form, where people can sign up and read a longer description of the event and our program. View information flyer or visit bit.ly/OtterRockTraining2022 for more information and to sign up.


Once again, thanks to Lincoln City Parks & Rec, we have two walks this month! Our special Lincoln City bird walk is next Friday, June 10th at 9am. We had to make a last minute change because the boardwalk at Hostetler Park is still closed, so we will be visiting Regatta Park and Devils Lake again, but this time enjoying spring migrating and nesting birds!

Our regular Second Saturday walk is next Saturday, June 11th at 9am. We'll meet at Ona Beach in Newport and enjoy the birds in the park and beach, then on to Beaver Creek for more bird action.


On another note - Are you interested in monitoring Black Oystercatchers or Snowy Plover on the North or Central coast?

The Snowy Plover monitoring requires in-depth training, but the rewards of seeing those tiny chicks are great!

The Black Oystercatcher monitoring requires very little training and an obligation of weekly monitoring of one or more nest sites.


Help get one of our beaches back in tip-top shape after this summer’s July 4th celebration when thousands of visitors come to town and unfortunately leave trash behind. We are partnering with Lincoln City Parks and Recreation to collect and remove as much trash as we can. Bring gloves, a large trash bag, a bucket, and a long-handled grabber (can be purchased at Dollar Store). Plan to be there an hour to an hour and a half. Meet at NW 15th beach access at 10am to check in. Please let us know that you plan to attend by emailing Steve Griffiths at steveg@lincolncityaudubon.org


Our annual potluck will be June 23rd at the Lincoln City Cultural Center. Potluck will be at 5pm followed by a brief business meeting and Year-in-Review presentation. Stay after the meeting to reminisce with old friends and to meet new ones!


The Spring Rocky Habitat workshops are under our belt, and we are excited about the results! We met with the agencies that have nearshore responsibilities to discuss our proposals to designate Cape Foulwather and Cape Lookout as Marine Conservation Areas (MCAs). We went over the modifications we proposed last spring and developed a few more to facilitate management should the site proposals be approved.

Next steps:

We will continue to be working with agencies such as Parks and Recreation and Oregon Fish and Wildlife over the coming months to refine the proposed management recommendations for both sites.
The Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) will review the six remaining proposals, including our two, at their next meeting and make a final decision at a subsequent meeting this year.

We were scheduled to give presentations on our two rocky habitat proposals at the June Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) meeting, but that meeting has been postponed.

That's it for this month - let's keep working together for birds and nature!


dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City