Action Alert: Stand Tall for Oregon's State Forests!

If you’ve been following our conservation efforts, you’ll know that we, along with many other conservation organizations, have been fighting hard against the timber industry for a Western Oregon State Forests Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) that protects wildlife, clean water, and public land access. 

Right now, the Oregon Department of Forestry is finalizing an HCP that will affect the future of Oregon’s forests for generations to come. Now is the time to #StandTallOregon and let your elected officials know that you support a strong HCP!

Stand tall for healthy forests. Our forests keep rivers cool, prevent erosion, and sequester carbon in the fight against climate change. 

Stand tall for clean water. Our forests provide cold, clean drinking water to 500,000 people in Northwest Oregon. 

Stand tall for wildlife. Our forests keep salmon runs healthy and provide habitat for endangered species like the coastal marten and Marbled Murrelet.

The timber industry’s campaign to slash protections for our state forests is based on misinformation and motivated by greed. As we watch climate change drive warming temperatures that threaten beloved wildlife and exacerbate forest fires that destroy Oregon homes, we cannot let the timber industry win this battle. 

Will you join us to #StandTallOregon and let your elected officials know that you support an HCP that works for all Oregonians and our precious forests, not just the timber industry?

To learn more about the campaign to protect Western Oregon State Forests, visit and follow @protectthe_tillamook on Instagram.

Images provided by Wild Salmon Center.