May 10, Cutler City Wetlands & Siletz Bay

Great Blue Heron juveniles, photo by Ruth Shelly

Cutler City was the perfect place to welcome birders from Denver, San Jose and Gresham. Right there we were greeted with the sounds of hungry juvenile Great Blue Herons. This rookery is only two years old and all 19 birders were very excited. As we walked through the wooded area, the native rhododendrons were in full bloom. The bay provided more excitement.

Birders on trail, photo by Ruth Shelly

Sightings of the day:
Wilson’s Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Great Blue Heron
Downy Woodpecker
American Crow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
European Starling
Great Egret
Tree Swallow
Canada Geese
American Goldfinch
Violet-green Swallow
House Sparrow
Barn Swallow
Double-crested Cormorant
Bald Eagle

April 13, Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge

ASLC had a busy day at Nestucca Wildlife Refuge. Mark Elliott led 17 birders along the Refuge’s trails. We didn’t get far when 2 sub-adults and one Adult Bald Eagle welcomed us. Not to be outdone a Peregrine Falcon flies not far behind. This is the perfect time to visit and see the area awaken from winter.

Sightings of the day:

Birders on trail, photo by Caren Willoughby

Bald Eagle
Peregrine Falcon
White-crowned Sparrow
Pacific Wren
Canada Jay
American Robin
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Hermit Thrush
Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Orange-crowned Warbler
Surf Scoter
Double-crested and Pelagic Cormorant
Red-breasted Merganser
Great Blue Heron
Belted Kingfisher
Western Gull
White Egret
Northern Harrier
Brewers Blackbird
White-winged Scoter
Early Blue Violet 
Fawn Lily

Blue Violets by Caren Willoughby

April 12, The Knoll Open Space & Roads End State Park

It was a perfect day for a walk in the woods. Mark Elliott led 14 birders including a family of 5 from Seattle. The sounds of spring filled the air and plants were shooting up everywhere. All participants were enjoying the beautiful Open Space. 

Sightings of the day:

Mark Elliot shares the wonder of a Rough-skinned Newt, photo by Caren Willoughby

Pacific Wren
Townsend Warbler
Chestnut-backed Chickadee 
Golden-crowned Kinglet
American Robin
Dark-eyed Junco 
Stellar’s Jay
Violet Green Swallow 
Song Sparrow 
Red-winged Blackbird 
White-crowned Sparrow 
American Crow
House Finch
European Starling 
Western Gull
Cow Parsnip

March 9, 2024 Yakona Nature Preserve

Twenty folks enjoyed a rainy morning deep in the forest of the Yakona Nature Preserve on Yaquina Bay. The beautiful 850 acre preserve is privately owned and public access is limited. We're grateful to executive director Dr. Natalie Schaefer for the guided walking tour.

Sightings of the day:

Birders at Yakona by Caren Willoughby

Western Gulls
Common Mergansers
Red-breasted Mergansers
Common Loon
Pacific Wren
Hairy Woodpecker
Red Crossbills 
Golden-crowned Kinglets
Brown Creepers
Bald Eagle
American Crow
American Robin

Group shot by Caren Willoughby

March 8, 2024 Spring Lake Open Space

On the morning of Friday, March 8, seventeen intrepid birders participated in a Birdwalk at Spring Lake in Lincoln City. Sponsored by Lincoln City Parks and Recreation as well as Explore Lincoln City, the walk was hosted by the Audubon Society of Lincoln City.

Spring Lake is one of the area’s more challenging bird walks, with greater-than-average elevation gain/loss, but the group had a somewhat smooth time of it due to the relatively dry trail conditions.

Twelve bird species were documented, including:

Birders at Spring Lake by Tom Rice

American Crow
American Robin
Varied Thrush
Song Sparrow
Pacific Wren
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Mallard Duck
Canada Goose
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Brown Creeper
Anna’s Hummingbird

February 10, 2024 Friends of Wildwood Open Space

Birders on trail, photo by Ruth Shelly

It was a beautiful morning to walk through Friends of Wildwood Open Space. Mark Elliott led 28 birders through the beautifully maintained forest. This open space provides a quiet space to listen for birds and enjoy the beauty of nature. Devil’s Lake is close by and just a few steps away we were able to add to our list of birds.

Sightings of the day:

Hairy Woodpecker, photo by Ruth Shelly

Golden-crowned Kinglet
Pacific Wren
Brown Creeper
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Northern Flicker
American Crow
Hairy Woodpecker
European Starling
Western Gull
Steller's Jay
Great Blue Heron
Rock Pigeon
Anna’s Hummingbird
Pine Siskin
Double-crested Cormorant
American Robin
American Coot
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Canada Geese
Lesser Scaup
Red-necked Grebe

Birders at Devils Lake, photo by Ruth Shelly

January 12, 2024 Devils Lake and Regatta Park

Ring-necked ducks by Ruth Shelly

This walk through the woods and neighborhood was led by dawn, ASLC President. It was a perfect morning before the storm. Eleven participants talked about getting groceries before the weather changed, and as you can see from this amazing list, so did the birds!

Sightings of the day:

Great Egret by Ruth Shelly

Ring-necked Duck
Greater Scaup
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
Common Merganser
Ruddy Duck
Pied-billed Grebe
Western Grebe
Anna's Hummingbird
American Coot
Western Gull
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Egret
Great Blue Heron
Bald Eagle
Belted Kingfisher
Northern Flicker
Steller's Jay
American Crow
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
European Starling
Varied Thrush
Fox Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Song Sparrow

Birders by Ruth Shelly